Showing posts with label Network Marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Network Marketing. Show all posts

Saturday, June 26, 2021

How to Develop Your Own Multi level Marketing Plan

How to Develop Your Own Multi level Marketing Plan

How to Develop Your Own Multilevel Marketing Plan

 If you are thinking about starting a business out of your home in your spare time, multilevel marketing, often called MLM, may be a good choice for you. A multilevel marketing company provides products and resources to its distributors, so when you become a distributor, your job is to attract other people to become distributors, supervised by you. When they produce revenues by selling the products to customers and building their own networks of distributors, you get a cut. The key to success in multilevel marketing is your ability to attract people to buy your products or join your distribution network.

Make a List

Start your marketing plan by making a list of people you know. You are looking for two categories of people: potential distributors and potential customers. Some network marketing companies allow you to place products in existing retail stores or flea market booths, but other MLM companies restrict distributorships to individuals only. Verify the policies of your MLM with regards to who may become a distributor. Developing a distributor at a level below you -- or "downline" -- and customers is a numbers game: The more people you pitch, the greater your chances of success. Be prepared to pitch as many as 100 people before you find one enthusiastic distributor or customer. Even one distributor in your downline exponentially increases your likelihood of adding more distributors and customers.

Plan Your Pitch

Most MLM companies provide a script to use in pitching products and distributorships when you first start out. As you become familiar with this script you can customize it to your own style and the buying behavior of your contact list. In making your marketing plan, define the demographics of your contact list in terms of their personal buying habits, whether they can best be reached online or via traditional advertising, the approximate size of their network of friends and associates, and what element of the MLM enterprise would be most appealing. Current MLM distributors are often interested in representing additional products, so perfect your pitch and contact them first.

Plan Events

One way to maximize the number of people you can pitch is to hold informational events. These can take the form of parties at your home or more formal meeting presentations held in public venues such as hotels, church meeting rooms and civic clubs. One benefit of using meeting space at churches and civic clubs is the potential that they might consider distributing your products as a fundraising project. In planning your marketing, look for advantageous tie-ins such as this.


The next step in your marketing plan is to figure out how to spread the word. Word-of-mouth marketing is an effective way to attract people to your pitch events. This is done by inviting your list to your events and encouraging each person to bring a friend. If your MLM provides distributor websites, promote your events by aggressively announcing them on social media sites and online advertising sites, directing people to your distributor website for information. In most cases, once they sign into your distributor website, they automatically become your lead, and, even if they contact your MLM company directly, you will receive credit and they will be placed in your downline. Check your MLM's policies on these types of referrals.

Tips on How to Start a Business

Tips on How to Start a Business

Tips on How to Start a Business

People start businesses for various reasons. Some people invest retirement income while others start businesses because of a corporate downsizing. Some tips for starting a business include converting a hobby into a profitable venture, satisfying an existing consumer need that includes dieting, or purchasing a franchise. Once you decide on your particular business venture, create a business plan that summarizes your goals, objectives and advertising plans. Moreover, be sure to obtain any required business licenses.

Purchase Existing Business

People advertise businesses every day in the "Businesses for Sale" sections of various newspapers. You can also try contacting business brokers. Examples of businesses for sale may include small coffee shops, vending routes or even small manufacturing plants.

Start With Your Experience

Many people use their education and work experience to start a business. For example, if you have designed websites for corporations in the past, become a web designer on a freelance basis. Contact past business associates or agencies that worked with you. Advertise in trade publications of the industries in which you are trying to service. Design some business cards and pass them out at various conventions.

Go Into Direct Sales

Plenty of direct sales companies are looking for talented individuals. Some even offer training programs for their distributors. The startup expenses are virtually nothing, and some of these companies will even ship products for you. Direct selling opportunities include companies that manufacture or wholesale perfumes and personal care items, kids clothing or impulse items, such as batteries or key chain flashlights. Some companies even offer dealerships for advertising specialties, where you can sell mugs or T-shirts to companies with their logos. Check business opportunity magazines--"Business Opportunity" or "Entrepreneur"--for direct sales opportunities.

Try Network Marketing

Plenty of network marketing opportunities are out there, such as companies that market nutritional or high tech products. Network marketing or multi-level marketing, or MLM, is where you can sponsor people into a business and earn a percentage of their sales, according to Most people start these types of businesses part time from home. You will likely need to purchase a certain amount of products monthly to enjoy the highest commissions. Advertise your business with postcards and classified ads in newspapers or business opportunity magazines.

Enter Service Industry

Business owners need their windows and offices cleaned. Busy people need their dogs walked, groomed or watched. Think of various services that you could offer to homes or businesses. Call some of these businesses and get the going rate. For example, carpet cleaners usually charge by square footage. Produce fliers for your business and start distributing them to potential customers. Have people give your referrals to further expand your business.

Network Marketing MLM Home Business Ideas

Network Marketing MLM Home Business Ideas

Network Marketing MLM Home Business Ideas

Networking marketing is synonymous with MLM or multi-level marketing, which entails recruiting people into a specific business opportunity and earning commissions off what they purchase. There are many different types of network marketing home-based businesses. People just need to find which one works best for them. Most individuals will typically choose the network marketing business that has the highest pay plan. However, others may prefer to work with a particular type of product.

Nutritional Business

One of the most common network marketing or MLM home business ideas is a nutritional business. However, you should check how long the nutritional company has been around to determine if it is a legitimate business. Ask to speak to customer service. Call the Better Business Bureau to see if any complaints have been filed against the company.

A number of companies sell nutritional products on a multi-level basis. Often, sponsors or active members earn commissions on many different levels in these businesses. Most of the commissions are earned on the first few levels, which include the purchases of members an individual direct sponsors or those his recruits personally sponsor. For example, a network marketer may earn 10 percent off the vitamin purchases of the people he personally recruits and 5 percent off the purchases made by people those first-level recruits sponsor.

Nutritional MLM businesses are popular because of people's keen interest in health. Nutritional products are also usually consumed each month, which can potentially generate lots of revenue for business owners and the MLM company.

Legal Services

At least one organization offers legal services as a network marketing or MLM home business. This could be a good choice for people interested in legal services such as those related to family trust, bankruptcy or tort law, which covers people's injuries in the workplace or through negligence. The best way to market a legal-based network marketing program is to order mailing lists of "Business Opportunity Seekers" or "Buyers." These people are looking to start a home-based business. Mailing-list vendors can be found online or in business opportunity magazines like Business Opportunities or Entrepreneur. Order mailing lists in quantities of 1,000, 2,000 or even 5,000. Create a postcard that provides information about your business, then mail the postcards to these people. Include your website if you have one. Direct people to an 800 or second business line so you can explain the business to them.

Selling Leads

Some companies offer phone or email leads through network marketing or MLM. In this case, you would be marketing leads to active network marketers. Most network marketers work lead MLM programs as a secondary income stream. Most lead programs are legitimate, but you should make sure the lead supplier sells leads that "pull." Try testing the leads yourself. If you are able to use the leads to recruit people into your primary network marketing business, then the leads are effective.

Most network marketers use phone or email leads to market their business. You would make your earnings off those who order the leads directly from you, and from those in each person's downline. For example, you may earn 15 percent off $100 worth of leads you sell to a network marketer. That person would then join the business himself and sell leads to those he sponsors into his primary MLM business. If he sells home cleaning products via MLM, you would earn second-level commissions off everyone in his home cleaning products business who orders leads.

Small Business Ideas to Make Money

Small Business Ideas to Make Money

Small Business Ideas to Make Money

People can choose from several ideas to start a business. Think about skills you have acquired on the job, products you like or hobbies that can be converted into business. Search and for businesses like the one you plan to start. Study their websites and see how they market their business. Plan to start part time until your business grows into a full-time endeavor.

Dog Walking

You can become a dog walker even if you are unemployed. The number of people who use dog walkers is increasing, according to People are busy and some families have dual-income earners. Someone must exercise or watch their dogs, as people are particular with their pets. Think of a catch name for your business and get a DBA--doing business as--and vendor's license, which will allow you to collect sales tax on sales in your state. Pass fliers out in your neighborhood to apprise people about your service. The average rate for dog walkers is $16 to $18 for a 20-minute walk. Build up your clientele until you are walking eight or 10 dogs per day. Give people a price break for walking multiple dogs. For example, charge $25 for two dogs instead of $32 or $16 each.


Become a consultant if you have expertise in a certain field. For example, if you have worked as a marketing research manager, start a freelance consulting business from home. Contact former business associates, clients or agencies in which you worked. Contact advertising agencies or other marketing research firms to see if they have any projects. If invited, write up a proposal for any potential assignment, then submit your bid. Other types of consulting businesses are web design, search engine optimization, advertising broker and tax accountant.

As for advertising, get your business listed in the print and online Yellow Pages so companies can start resourcing your services. Advertise your business in trade publications that clients are likely to read. For example, marketing research companies may advertise in publications, such as "Quirks" or "Alert," or even "Advertising Age."

Network Marketing

Network marketing or multi-level marketing is a legitimate business opportunity. You just need to make sure the company you join focuses on selling products, not just pyramiding your earnings. Legitimate companies will require all new sponsors to purchase a minimal amount of products. For example, if you sell nutritional products, you may need to buy $100 worth of products each month. Most MLM companies will auto-ship these products or automatically ship the products each month. Network marketing is a "people helping people" business. Get three-way calling through your local phone company so you can help new members sign people up in the business. You will earn commissions on their product purchases, too.

The best way to promote your network marketing business is to purchase mailing lists of "Business Opportunity Buyers." Locate these lists through the Direct Marketing Association. Locate mailing list companies in business publications, including "Business Opportunities" or "Home Business." Create a postcard that briefly describes you network marketing company. Invite people to visit your website or call you. Most network marketing companies use conference call systems in which you can invite your prospects.

How to Start Networking Business

How to Start Networking Business


How to Start Networking Business

A networking business is also known as a multi-level marketing business, also known as an MLM. Basically, it involves you recruiting other business-minded people into your organization. The new recruits will then purchase products from the networking company and will then start building their own downlines, or networks. You could earn monthly commissions from people who are in your downline when they start buying products from you. This is a legitimate business opportunity, and companies can legally sell legitimate products through network marketing. Apart from having solid business networking skills, below are the steps you can take to start your own networking business.

A networking business is also known as an MLM. Basically, the business operates on a network, just as the name suggests. To make it easier, we will start with the company at the top. The company sells you its products either on a one-time basis or on a subscription basis, where you receive a package of products regularly, say, once a month or once every two months. You, in turn, should recruit others to purchasing the company's products. If you recruit a person, they will buy the company's products and you will receive a percentage of the price they pay for the products as a commission. Obviously, the more people you recruit under you the higher your commissions. But it doesn't end there; the people you recruit can also recruit in their turn. Their recruits will earn them a commission. But, and here's where an MLM starts to get lucrative, you also earn from your recruits' recruits. For every purchase made by a recruit of your recruit, you are entitled to a certain percentage of the purchase price as commission. That way, your residual earnings can grow astronomically, depending on how far your 'downline' goes.

As you can see, there is a lot of promise in MLM. The trick is to grow your network. In this business, your net worth is literally determined by the size of your network.

Choose Products to Sell

The very first step is to make a decision about the products you would like to sell as a network marketer. There are plenty of options here. You could choose home cleaning supplies, cell phones, health supplements, and so on. Remember to choose a product line that you are familiar with and that you will enjoy working with others to market this product line.

Gather Networking Tips

The next step is to look for opportunities. You can find opportunities in home business magazines such as the Small Business Opportunities section of Entrepreneur. You will find network marketing companies you can contact. You can call some of the listed distributors, as they are people who were once newbies, just like you. You should ask to speak to their upline sponsors, who have more experience and knowledge about the company. Ask them to elaborate on the business model and the payment plan to you. They can even give you networking tips in the process. You can get a few company officers in on this via a conference call.

Choose Your Network Marketing Opportunity

You can now choose the network marketing opportunity that appeals to you the most. Join a company that offers you good commissions and deals in the products you are interested in selling. Go for commissions in the 20 to 30 percent level, so that you'll see profits faster. Your products should automatically be shipped to you every month.

Set Up a Business Phone

Have a separate business phone line for your business. You can even record a warm greeting that asks people to leave their name and contact details when they can't get you on the phone.

Start a Website

Start a website for your network marketing business. You can do this through your network marketing company. Most of them will give you a good website that is similar to the main company website.

Create Postcards

Create your own postcards or order them from your network marketing company. The company should include your website on the postcard.

Prepare a Mailing List

You should now prepare a mailing list. To do that, you will need to search for a mailing list supplier online. Choose one that sells the names and addresses of Business Opportunity Buyers or MLM enthusiasts. These are people who would like to start a home business, and are open about trying an MLM opportunity. It will definitely improve your conversion rates. For an initial test mail, order between 500 and 1000 mailing list names.

Mail Postcards

Put the mailing labels on your postcards and mail them to people on your list. When people respond to your card, call them back. You can even include your sponsor in a conference call to help you recruit people into the business. You should send the mail out every week, to step up the number of mails you send, as your profits increase.

Green Business

Meanwhile, learn everything you can about networking. Read networking books, and attend networking events to improve your knowledge. Remember, never stop learning


You can also send out email blasts to email lists in much the same way as you do with mailing lists. In fact, emails are inexpensive and might give you better results.


Participating in an MLM can be profitable if members have a lot of people in their network, and if they're willing to put in a lot of effort over time. However, nothing is guaranteed.

How to Start Your Own Network Marketing Company

How to Start Your Own Network Marketing Company

How to Start Your Own Network Marketing Company

Network marketing or MLM can be a viable opportunity, provided the emphasis is placed on selling products rather than signing up new members. In order to start your own network marketing company you can enroll with an existing MLM organization or start your own from the ground up, but if you go the DIY route you'll need to establish a relationship with a wholesaler or manufacturer to turn out your actual product.

Find a Niche

Select a product line for your network marketing company. Start a nutritional network marketing company, for example, which is the most popular type of network marketing business.

Wholesale Suppliers

Search for a wholesale supplier through the National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors at Attend NAW meetings to become more familiar with wholesalers. Sign up for some free trade publications through, according to article titled "Find Suppliers for Your Business" at Examine the "Thomas Register of American Manufacturers" at your local library.

Call several potential wholesale and manufacturer suppliers. Ask them if they offer drop-shipping services, which will keep your inventory levels down. Find out if the supplier offers catalogs, brochures and order forms for their products. Choose the supplier that provides you with the lowest unit cost per product.

Set Price Structure

Set the retail price of your products according to your supplier's recommendations. Establish a commission structure for your distributors on several different levels. Set commissions at 10 percent, for example, for first-level sales where distributors earn money off those people they recruit. Set commissions on levels two and three at 5 percent each, for example, allowing distributors to earn commissions off people your distributors recruit.

Organizational and Management Setup

Install network marketing commission-payment software. Use your commission-payment software to calculate the commissions of all future distributors.

Create an instruction manual for all distributors, highlighting various ways to advertise their network marketing businesses. Create a distributor's kit for all potential dealers, which includes the instruction manual, a catalog, price list and order forms.

Marketing Your Business

Advertise your network marketing company in major business opportunity magazines, including "Business Opportunities," "Home Business" and "Small Business Opportunities." Start with classified ads as they are the most cost effective of all ads.

Mail a sales letter brochure and order form out to people who respond to your classified ads. Call people back when they inquire about your network marketing opportunity. Recruit distributors into your business on an ongoing basis.

Create a website and include your website in your classified advertisements. This will give people another way to join your network marketing opportunity. Get a merchant account through your bank so you can accept credit cards online. Find a web designer if you are unable to create your own website. Have the web designer create self-replicating sites for your distributors so they can recruit their own distributors. Self-replicating sites will have the same URL or address as your site, but with unique extensions or identification numbers. The success of any networking marketing company is contingent upon building a deep organizational structure.

Things You Will Need

Wholesale supplier

commission payment software

Instruction manual


sales letters


Price lists

Order forms

Shipping envelopes or boxes

Shipping labels